Group lessons
The lessons are taught in small groups of no more than seven students so that each student can get the necessary attention. We focus on speaking and listening skills. You will practice your speaking skills with the help of dialogs, role plays, and discussions. As a member of a small group, you will get the opportunity to practice a lot which will boost your confidence.

Groups of 2
Attend classes together with your partner, friend or whoever you would prefer in groups of two.

Private lessons
Are you a fast learner or do you struggle when it comes to learning a new language? If you struggle, private lessons are recommended. The course is personalized based on your needs. This means that personal attention is given to your own pace and tempo in consultation with your teacher.

Lessons to children                                                                                                  Can learning turn into playing? The answer is yes!
Starting from our love for children, we can turn learning into fun!
Through specially designed educational material and suitable pedagogical methods, we discover each child’s interests and develop them.
Our goals for every child are:

  • To be happy
  • To love learning
  • To learn how to learn

Preschool children acquire the language through creative activities. For example, they can enrich their knowledge and practise or even develop their skills by playing with the interactive whiteboard, doing constructions, playing board games or singing. All the aforementioned can ease the toddlers to learn the language. They get acquainted with the language and learn it through experiences, images, group activities, songs, games and drama and this will eventually result in expressing themselves using the language.

Online Lessons
Learn en language from any place, any time! We offer online lessons voor every level. Our online courses are available as group lessons or private lessons and for all ages.

Business courses
Meleti Taalcursussen offers tailor-made language courses to company employees in all sectors. The In-company courses are given at all language levels. We offers courses for individuals and groups, face-to-face and via Skype, Zoom or Webex. Groups consist of a maximum of seven participants in order to ensure maximum personal attention. We always work with small groups for the best results. Our courses help to improve your reading, speaking and writing skills.